If you are considering private tuition, the question is why? Do you know exactly what you need from the tutor? If you have no idea, then your parent's money is not going to be well spent...
Let us help you before you (or your parent) makes the first call. There are broadly 3 groups of students who want tuition:
(1) The 1st group are those who flunked the exams (i.e. S or U grade) and need someone qualified to go through the entire topic and the fundamental concepts.
(2) The 2nd group are the 'average graders' (i.e. C or D grade) who struggle with specific topics or just do not perform as well even though they put in so much effort during their revision. They need to study smart.
(3) The 3rd group are the 'high graders' (i.e. A or B grade) who want additional 'insurance'.
Ha! We know this may be overly simplistic. Often, students fall between the categories. Our point is you must know the reason why you need tuition and the exact help you need from the tutor.
Besides yourself, you ought to find out more about the tutor.
Besides yourself, you ought to find out more about the tutor.
(1) Ask tutors for referrals from their students' parents. Find out from the parents their experiences with the tutors and their teaching methods.
(2) Parents should read and understand the terms in the contract between them and the tutors. Seek clarifications. Good tutors, hmm *cough* are more then willing to explain ;-)
(3) Ask tutors to present certificates (e.g. university degrees or National Institute of Education diploma) to prove that they are qualified.
I teach JC bio while my team tutors teach other subjects, at all levels.
If you are looking for good tutors, email us at bioichiban@gmail.com. Provide us with your basic information:
If you are looking for good tutors, email us at bioichiban@gmail.com. Provide us with your basic information:
(1) Name, (2) college and yr, and (3) area of residence.
Then tell us a little about your biology or other subject situation and needs. Other specific information too, if possible.
E.g. Available time slots, budget, preferred gender of tutor, graduate or current teacher, etc.
E.g. Available time slots, budget, preferred gender of tutor, graduate or current teacher, etc.
The Bioichiban Team ;-)