Analysis of past year papers and topics

Our stand:
First and foremost, we never encourage our students to skip any topics. All core topics will be tested, so you should revise every topic for the A level exam. If we are so accurate or lucky, we won't be trying to earn a living through quality education yeah? So, our disclaimer is - our predictions can be totally off! Bottom line: study hard & smart!

We analyze the papers and make some educated predictions for our students just before the paper (no one can read through everything the day or night, or even morning before the exam right?).

Our analysis:
We analyzed the past year papers (excluding MCQ paper 1) this way: 

1) Analysis of past year papers
First, we determine the topic tested for each question in paper 2 and 3 over the years (while all core topics will be tested every year, some specific topics may not feature for the particular year). From here, we decide which topics have a higher chance of coming out. 

2) Analysis of topic
Then we look at the areas tested for the selected topic over the years, and decide which areas may be tested for the particular topic. 

Finally, we recommend the topics and certain questions to our students for them to  focus just before the exam.

Below is an example of analysis by year followed by analysis of a particular topic since 2002. We have intentionally excluded some info since we are not allowed to publish the question or even year, paper and question no. If you like the complete set of the detailed analysis, request politely and we are happy to email you a copy ;-)
Analysis by year:  


Cell organelles  (Mitochondria, rER, organelles in euk)
·  Struc + fn of mitochondrion, rER (electron micrograph)
·  Adv of membr-bound organelles in euk cells

DNA replication

·  Leading and lagging strand (Okazaki frag)
·  Explain semi-conservative replication + mol involved
·  How mutation may arise during replication + effects of one named gene

Virus (Bacteriophage)

·  Identify struc on T4 phage + entry into host
·  Lytic vs lysogenic cycle
·  Data analysis (diagram): 2 struc similarities + diff to T4 phage

Organization, control of prok and euk genome

·  Identify nucleosome, DNA, reasons for packing of DNA in euk genome
·  Data analysis (diagram): histone methylation, effect on cell differentiation
·  Prok: inhibition of expression (operator, operon)

Genetics (variation)

·  Range of variation (continuous variation)
·  Data analysis (graph): why F2 range is greater than parent or F1 generation


·  Data analysis (diagram): Oxidative phosphorylation, chemiosmosis
·  3 diff: photophosphorylation vs oxidative phosphorylation


·  Data analysis (diagram): Darwin’s theory of natural selection
·  Fossil records – limitation
·  Molecular methods for phylogeny – adv
·  Data analysis (diagram): suggest why no flightless birds

Bacteria (Lac operon)
·  Response to diff conc of lactose (lac operon)

Homeostasis and signalling
·  Glucagon – blood glucose level
·  Stages of cell signalling

·  Struc of aa + formation of dipeptide
·  Pri, sec, tert, quat struc of named protein
·  Struc of named globular protein to fn

Analysis by year:


Isolating, cloning DNA

·  Plasmid vector – properties
·  Recombinant vector, restriction enzyme (blunt, sticky ends products)

Stem Cell and Gene Therapy

·  Data analysis (diagram): stem cells properties, gene expression during differentiation of stem cells
·  Viral vector in gene therapy – problems
·  Controversial issue in using animal cells for gene therapy (cybrid cells)

Isolating, cloning DNA

·  PCR
·  Data analysis (graph): DNA fingerprinting (STR repeats)

Planning Question
·  Enzyme – effect of substrate concentration on enzyme activity

Plant Cloning (GMO)
·  GM food (golden rice, Bt corn) - improving quality and yield
·  Plant cloning (tissue culture), adv + disadv

Analysis by topic:  
CORE TOPIC: (7) Diversity and Evolution

Specific Topic:

7.1) Diversity and Evolution


·  Data analysis (diagram): Darwin’s theory of natural selection
·  Fossil records – limitation
·  Molecular methods for phylogeny – adv
·  Data analysis (diagram): suggest why no flightless birds

·  Data analysis (diagram): cytochrome b gene for closely related species (molecular homology)
·  (Base) mutation + how it supports neutral theory
·  Data analysis (diagram): Darwin’s theory of natural selection

·  Data analysis (diagram): environmental factors as natural selection forces + gene interactions on beak size/shape
·  Molecular evidence – how it supports Darwin’s theory of natural selection
·  Islands – role in evolution of finches

·  Classification vs phylogeny
·  Molecular method – adv
·  Suggest how virus evolved

·  Taxonomic classification
·  Data analysis (diagram): natural selection, geographical isolation, genetic drift
·  Biological species concept


 Evolution and Genetics
·  Natural selection based on organisms’ adaptability to diff salinity
·  Mendelian inheritance, monohybrid cross




Data analysis means the answer to the question requires some form of reference (e.g. quoting certain values) to a given graph, table, diagram or figure

 Our philosophy
All schools will carry out some form of predictions before the prelim exams. Same for private tutors / tuition centers (probably not as systematic or detailed like ours). But we are pretty sure no one would share their analyses as freely as us. Thus, this is our philosophy - we not only want to give our best for our paying students, we do not mind if our analysis benefits other students too.

Interested to be our partners or engage us?
We do not claim to know everything biology or any other subjects. When we do not know, we surely will find out and get back to our students. This is because we aim to be the best tutors in Singapore, and we hope over time, this goal would be realized. 

We are currently a small group of tutors with big goals. If you will like to join our team, partner us, or engage us, you know what to do. 
bioitchy ;-)